The username and password needs to be encoded and sent in BASE64So if using username as the username it would become dXNlcm5hbWU= in BASE64 and a password of password would become cGFzc3dvcmQ= in BASE64 You can use this handy BASE64 encoding tool to do the encoding for you.
Yearly archives: 2019
# Average CPU Load Notification.# This will email you once when average CPU Load reaches the set CPU Threshold value.# When average CPU Load drops back below CPU Threshold the email notification is reset.# Set up the scheduler to run this at 1-5 second intervals (Sample Rate).# Original credit goes […]
The below can be used to add a local user to a Mikrotik using a script or at the CLI /user add name=setusername password=setpassword group=write Just change “setusername” to the desired name and “setpassword” to the desired password (be warned this is in plain text and care needs to be […]
The below can be used in a schedule or script to control rules, just change “enable” to “disable” to disable the rule and “BlockKids” is the comment so change to suit your needs. /ip firewall filter enable [find comment=”BlockKids”];
The procedure below applies to: 2002-2006 R50 MINI Cooper and R53 Cooper S Hatchback, 2005-2008 R52 MINI Cooper and Cooper S Convertibles. This information was posted in our forum pages. Proceed at your own risk. If your key/remote wont unlock/lock your doors, try this: Have all the keys on you […]
The information displays in place of your mileometer, so you DO NOT have to have the MINI OBC/Trip Computer option to see this. A complete list of functions is below, this example is how to get into the menu number ‘7’. With the key in the ignition, but in the […]
DT is a Hero WOD in honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis who was killed on Feb 2009 supporting operations in OEF (Afghanistan) when his vehicle was struck by an IED. 5 RFT12 Deadlifts9 Hang Power Cleans6 Push JerksRX weights M/F 70kg/47kg
Positive actions can dramatically change your life, building good habits is a way of changing your life and mindset. So I have created an old fashioned Habit Tracker Download the tracker, print it out and pin it up somewhere so you will see it everyday. Just fill out the month, […]
run cmd as admin cd C:\program files\Microsoft office\office16 (or program files (x86), whatever’s relevant) type in: cscript ospp.vbs /dstatus this generates a list of all the license keys install on your pc. You want to look at the last line of each paragraph: “Last 5 characters of installed product key: […]
Being on Time Work Ethic Effort Body Language Energy Attitude Passion Being Coach-able Doing Extra Being Prepared
install “Microsoft Online Services Sign in Assistant for IT Professionals” Open Powershell (Admin) Enter the following commands… Install-Module MSOnline Install-Module AzureAD Import-Module AzureAD Connect-MsolService Get-msoluser (to test connection. Should list users) NOTE:- Disable the Microsoft ADSync service!! Enter the following commands… Set-MsolDirSyncEnabled –EnableDirSync $false get-msolcompanyinformation (to check if the sync […]
To match a new AD user to an existing 365 user. match UPN and smtp Alias 2 install “Microsoft Online Services Sign in Assistant for IT Professionals 3 Open Powershell (Admin): Install-Module -Name AzureAD 4 connect to AD: Connect-MsolService 5 Return the immutable ID: Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName | select ImmutableID […]