The two firms have been locked in a legal tussle since last October, when Nokia sued Apple in the United States, arguing the iPhone-maker was getting a “free ride” on technologies patented by Nokia.
Yearly archives: 2010
Early next week was what Orange said last week, well its now the end of “next week” and I am still waiting for the upgrade from to as without the upgarde I can’t upgrade from 2.1 Android to 2.2 on my HTC Desire. Is anyone else still […]
I have just been working on a site that needs PHP 5.2 or above. The stock repositories for Centos that are provided by Virtualmin do not contain the PHP version I needed. However they do provide a Bleeding Edge packages, these must only be used if you know what you are […]
Today Miles and Mason played in 3 games at a Gloucestershire RFU mini’s tournament in Painswick, representing Tewkesbury Tigers the junior section of Tewkesbury RFC. Miles scored 2 try’s in his debut and both of them were awarded a medal, not bad for their first ever competitive Rugby outing. I […]
I still do not have the 2.2 release of Android yet 🙁 This has been posted on the Orange support site and explains what the hold up is. It states that, if you’re on version then you’ll first need to go to an interim update of You can […]
One of the four chicks we got back in April has made its first “cock a doodle doo” this morning, so I guess she is really a he LOL Does anyone want to give a home to a Cockerell or fancy it for a Sunday Roast?
Microsoft recently announced that Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 7 and Windows Small Business Server (SBS) Codename “Aurora”. SBS 7 The next version of Windows Small Business Server will include a richer remote access experience, and updates to all of the component software in the suite to the latest versions […]
I have just heard that HTC are releasing the next generration Desire handset. The Desire HD it features; 4.3″ Touch Screen 8 Megapixel camera 3G / WLAN / GPS / Bluetooth connectivity 720p HD video recording The HTC Desire HD runs the latest Android 2.2 Froyo operating system on a […]
It was anounced on the 22nd September that Orange was starting to roll out over the air the 2.2 Android OS for the HTC Desire, well they must be rolling it out sowly as I have still not been updated. Each time I manually check, I get the your phone […]
To check how many emails have been queuing in Postfix (an email server for Linux) and for what period of time you can use the following command #qshape deferred | head The above command will produce the following; The T represents time in minutes The Total represents how many emails have […]
If you have a MySql database that you want to import (pipe) into another server, as long as you have the filename.sql file you can copy it using WinSCP from the old server to the new server and run the following command;
Yesterday Trefor Davies of business communications provider Timico started a race to see which would be faster, uploading a video from a rural broadband connection or sending the data via carrier pigeon. The aim of the test was to point out that in some areas, broadband connections are so poor […]
Here is a photo of Miles and Mason on the way to school this morning, their class is having a history day and everyone has to dress up.
Using php you can permanently redirect one URL to another, using the below code in a php file; <?php header(“HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently”); header(“Location:”); exit(); ?>
If you have any children that would be interested in playing Rugby, registration starts at 10am at Tewkesbury RFC.