All of Olivia’s dreams came true and more. Not only did she meet JedWard (John and Edward) but they both gave her a peck on the cheek!
Monthly archives: April 2010
8 posts
On your VM host you need to initiate installing the VMware tools into your guest. Once this has been done the remaining steps are carried out on the guest OS. As root you need to mount the VMware Tools virtual CD-Rom image#mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
Here I am going to explain how to stop and start VM’s that are ruuning under ESXi 4.0 server, first you have to enable SSH on the server. Once you have enabled SSH, connect to the ESXi server using putty or your prefered SSH client.
I am please to say that “Olivia’s Bedroom Project” is now complete 🙂 Here are couple of photos of al the work.
Max, Miles and Mason decided to try and emulate the videos on Youtube of the humping stormtroopers, below is their result 🙂